Derek #DayNotes (03) for March 8, 2019
In keeping with my commitment to write #DayNotes every day for at least the next week here is attempt 3 #DayNotes. To learn more about the concept, check out this blog.
Though it should go without saying and to be be 100% clear, these are not official communications from the Government of Canada but rather just my own personal notes about what I am doing.
Apologies in advance for my bad grammar, these notes are meant to be quick and dirty.
I am going to preface by saying that today was not a very productive day for me. Some days I am focused and locked in, other days not so much… today was the later. But sticking with my commitment to be transparent with my work I thought I would post anyways.
One of the strategies I have tried starting this week to keep myself focused is to select 1 task for each bucket below to do each day. If I complete all the tasks, it’s been a good today… obviously today not so much. Since I have not completed all my tasks, I decided to highlight the task I hoped to complete and marked it as incomplete.
My goal for today had been to integrate all the information I gathered from last weeks Joint Council and related events on digital ID into a Q/A on Digital ID for our team (and hopefully for anyone else interested).
I also hoped to send Glyn Jones, a public servant with the UK government an email. He is interested in learning more about the work we have been doing to connect Canadian Public Servants and support them in digital collaboration through the GCTools. Sorry mate, I haven’t forgotten you, I promise an email is in the works, will send early next week.
Status: Incomplete…
Digital Government Research Project:
Today I worked my way through a couple articles and imputted them into my research chart HERE.
I also set up a coffee chat with Professor Amanda Clarke, the author of a recently released book on the evolution of digital government within the Government of Canada. I am very excited about this!!!
Municipal Innovation Pilot Project (MIPP):
My goal for today was to send out the minutes and task list from yesterday’s MIPP Business Meeting and to set up a time for Bianca and I to work on our section.
I had also hoped to write up a proposal for MIPP to be a session at the upcoming GovMaker Conference in New Brunswick.
Status: Incomplete…
Our CIO Alex Benay does regular stand ups with his team, where we get updates from him and get to ask him questions. Lots of good discussions. We also sang happy birth day (very off key) to Olivia Neal (Happy BDay!!).
Phil Andrecheck and I had a meeting today with Reginald Maltais and crew from StatsCan who are working on the National Road Network project. We talked about consultations. We hope to loop them into any possible future work we do on possibly developing a consultation platform as part of the GCTools (fingers crossed).
Finished the day with a team social in our new space. It is important to do these socials to build connections with our team. I always find socials hugely productive in terms of information sharing. Great conversations with Amanda Bernardo and crew from Next Gen pay who we share space with. Also special shout out to Tim Bouma and Kayle Hatt who made the trek to come visit us.
Happy International Women’s Day today! I wonder (outloud) how to make this more than just a symbolic thing. How can I actually move the needle on gender equality? …
Now the big question, do I do this work on Saturday or do I say, no life is more than work and enjoy the weekend… Leaning to work life balance on this one.